Describe the path to your current vocation (education, influences, etc.). 

I attended Lutheran preschool and had my mom as my 3-year old preschool teacher.  I went on to attend a Lutheran grade school and by the time I was in jr. high I realized I liked helping my mom in her classroom, I liked explaining things to my classmates at school, and I even liked helping my teachers grade papers!  Because of the influential teachers I had in 2nd and 3rd grades, I knew I wanted to be an elementary teacher.  My mom had attended Concordia Teachers College, River Forest, so at an early age I was exposed to the Lutheran teaching vocation and learned to understand the call process.  I attended a public high school and realized I missed the Christian, family environment I had been surrounded by in grade school.  That helped me decide to attend Concordia University, River Forest, where I graduated in May 2006, Summa Cum Laude, with a Bachelor's Degree in Lutheran Elementary Education, and a concentration in Music.  

When did you become a Lutheran? (Where, when, Pastor present?)

 I was born into a Lutheran family and was baptized at Redeemer Lutheran Church in Peoria, IL on May 13, 1984, at 7 weeks old.  I was confirmed at the same church when I was in 8th grade.

What do you love most about your job?  I love being able to share Jesus' love with my students and their families on a daily basis!  I also love the challenge each year provides with figuring out each student and finding ways to reach each one in a way that they grow in faith, but also develop a love of learning and an understanding of the world around them.  I am blessed by everyone in the Bethany family and love working with the older students through my roles as elementary musical director and track coach.  

What was your longest or most favorite road trip? (And who was with you, when, what did you see?) 

My most memorable road trip was in 2011 when my husband and I spent 2 weeks exploring the Grand Tetons, Yellowstone, Mr. Rushmore, the Black Hills, the Badlands and various sights in-between!  It was my first experience camping and also first time hiking mountains.  I enjoyed the challenges of living outside and also was astounded at God's beautiful creation!

 What are your hobbies?  I treasure every moment I get to spend with my husband, Joshua, and our beautiful baby girl, Abigail.  I enjoy playing organ and clarinet and playing volleyball.  I also enjoy watching sports, specifically the Green Bay Packers and NASCAR.  As a family we enjoy cooking together and spending time outside.