Chapel Offerings

We wanted to let you know a little bit more about where our Chapel Offerings are going this first semester.

Pastor Travis Loeslie, former pastor to Bethlehem Lutheran in Morristown, MN, has resigned his call due to the impact of Huntington’s disease and is no longer able to live in the church’s parsonage. He is a young father (37) of six children, and he and his children require the constant care of his wife.

The Loeslie Family need funds for a home and medical expenses.

A major disability has left this family of eight with no job, no home and no ability to generate future financial stability. Please consider generously donating today to get them a home.

This GoFundMe has been organized for the Loeslie Family by members of the congregation of Bethlehem Lutheran Church (LCMS), Morristown MN. Pastor Travis Loeslie has faithfully served our congregation for 5 years. Travis 37 and his wife Stephanie 35 have six children; Benjamin 13, Marta 11, Miriam 9, Samuel 6, Elijah 3, and Ingrid 2. To know this family is to love them!

Following many months of concern and appointments, Travis has been diagnosed with a rare genetic condition called Huntington's Disease (HD). This is a progressive brain disorder. It causes changes in the central area of the brain, and manifests as uncontrolled movements, emotional problems, and loss of thinking ability (cognition). It has a slow and insidious onset and he has already been suffering symptoms for some time. Although medications may help him manage the movements, there are no treatments available to slow the mental decline. It is progressive, debilitating and incurable. In the future they will have to confront the genetic nature of this disease with each one of their children.

Part of the HD diagnosis process included a cognitive assessment which revealed his brain processing is compromised and he cannot complete multi-step tasks. After this assessment it’s clear he can no longer perform the duties of a called pastor. With a heavy heart, he has resigned from the ministry.

The Loeslies currently live in a parsonage that is owned by Bethlehem. They find themselves completely unprepared for this financial crisis. Stephanie cannot work outside the home as both Travis and the children require her constant care. He will qualify for disability and they are in that process now.

Our congregation prays this family could face their future with the stability of a home.

We praise the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ for His ever present mercy, and appreciate any prayers and support that is given to our family as we daily face new obstacles. Our Lord has taught us, “Come unto Me all you who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest.” (Matthew 11:28). - Stephanie Loeslie

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