Week 10 pictures

This week’s album shows:

  • Math experiment: we practiced using tally marks to keep track of heads or tails results on a coin toss.

  • Seed design experiment: we made models of a spinner, rotocopter, or glider seed and experimented with where to position the seed head so that when we dropped it (simulating falling off a tree) it would be most likely to land outside the “Zone of Darkness” so it would be more likely to grow into a new plant!

  • Modeling a horizontal line in Math as we learned about vertical, horizontal and oblique lines.

  • Silent interviews: we practiced writing questions for a friend, exchanging papers, then writing a statement answer back. Enjoy our silent film!

  • After reading about how many seeds are in various fruits, we each placed an estimation into Bethany’s contest to guess the number of seeds in a pumpkin.

Click here for this week’s album!