Over the next two weeks, we will focus on getting to know what instruments (i.e. flute, trumpet, bass drum, etc.) and instrument classes (i.e. strings, brass, percussion, etc.) sound like. Today in class, we will watch Benjamin Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, which demonstrates the sound of all of these instruments.
Homework for Wednesday, 10/12/16
Listen to Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra at least two times. Answer the following questions:
1. How many times was the piece fast, slow, or medium speed? Count the number of times as you listen to the piece and write down a total count for each speed.
2. How many times was the piece really loud (ff), loud (f), medium loud (mf), medium soft (mp), soft (p), or really soft (pp). Count the number of ties as you listen to the piece and write down a total count for each dynamic.
3. How many times did you hear the main theme (played in the beginning of the piece) recur throughout the piece?
4. How many times was the texture thick (lots of instruments playing), medium, or thin (light instrumentation)?
Homework for Wednesday, 10/19/16
Follow the link to the website:
Here you can listen to the various instruments and instrument classes of Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra.
Play each section of instrument classes (those under "Theme") and instruments (all of the variations), and in 1-2 sentences for each, describe what it sounds like. You do not need to complete the "concluding section".
There will be a quiz on Wednesday, October 19 on which you will need to identify instruments and instrument classes by listening to them.