
Individual Music Activities: Songtales

Short videos focused around one music activity. This set of videos is part of John Feierabend’s methodology “First Steps in Music. This set of videos is based around SongTales, which are illustrated stories (tales) with a song to sing. Other SongTales we will see, hear, and sing are hymns that have been illustrated.

Feel free to listen and sing along as you watch these SongTales!

Permission to use during Covid-19.

Please do not share to social media without the written permission of Mr. Zorena

Individual Music Activities for BLCS Students.

Songtale: I Am Jesus Little Lamb.

Feel free to listen or sing along!

Individual music activities for BLCS students.

Songtale: God Loves Me Dearly

Feel free to listen or sing along!

Individual music activities for BLCS students.

Songtale: Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word

Feel free to listen or sing along!