Individual Music Activities: Songtales

Short videos focused around one music activity. This set of videos is part of John Feierabend’s methodology “First Steps in Music. This set of videos is based around SongTales, which are illustrated stories (tales) with a song to sing. Other SongTales we will see, hear, and sing are hymns that have been illustrated.

Feel free to listen and sing along as you watch these SongTales!

Permission to use during Covid-19.

Please do not share to social media without the written permission of Mr. Zorena

Individual Music Activities for BLCS Students.

Songtale: I Am Jesus Little Lamb.

Feel free to listen or sing along!

Individual music activities for BLCS students.

Songtale: God Loves Me Dearly

Feel free to listen or sing along!

Individual music activities for BLCS students.

Songtale: Lord, Keep Us Steadfast In Your Word

Feel free to listen or sing along!

Individual Music Activities: Movement Exploration

Short videos focused around one music activity. This set of videos is part of John Feierabend’s methodology “First Steps in Music. Part of this type of activity is using movement in a creative and artful manner. Feierabend uses a system of 10 awareness, inspired by the work of Rudolph von Laban.

Each activity will be focused around one of the ten awarenesses.

Used by permission during Covid-19

Please do not publish to social media without written permission from Mr. Zorena.

This activity comes from Laban's 1st Theme: Awareness of Body Parts and Whole.

This activity comes from Laban’s 2nd Theme: Awareness of Time: Fast and Slow.

This activity comes from Laban’s 8th Theme: Awareness of Shape.

Individual Music Activities: Echo Songs

Short videos focused around one music activity. This set of videos is Echo Songs. Please join in singing and moving to these fun songs!

Songs are from John Feierabend’s methodology “First Steps in Music”

Used by permission during Covid-19.

Please do not publish to social media without written permission from Mr. Zorena.

Individual Music Activity for BLCS Students. Echo Song - "Come Along"
Individual Music Activities for BLCS Students Echo Song - "Johnny on the Woodpile"

Individual music activities made for BLCS students.

Please join in singing!

Instruments In The Band - Video Series

Each video in this series discusses individual instruments. Students will learn about basic ways to hold/play the instruments, what is unique about each instrument, and how they sound. This series is made for the 3rd - 5th graders. However any student who is interested in band instruments can watch and enjoy this series.

Please do not share to social media without written permission from Mr. Zorena.

For Bethany Lutheran Church and School students.

This video begins a series on the instruments found in a Concert Band.

For Bethany Lutheran Church and School students who are interested in learning more about the instruments they would find in a Wind Band ensemble.

This video focuses on the Flute.

This video was made for Bethany Lutheran Students who are interested in learning more about the instruments they would find in a Wind Band ensemble.

This video focuses on the Trumpet.

This video was made for Bethany Lutheran Students who are interested in learning more about the instruments they would find in a Wind Band ensemble.

This video focuses on the Clarinet.

This Video is made for BLCS students who are interested in learning about the Instruments found in a Concert Band.

This video focuses on the Trombone.

This Video is made for BLCS students who are interested in learning about the Instruments found in a Concert Band.

This video focuses on the Saxophone

This Video is made for BLCS students who are interested in learning about the Instruments found in a Concert Band.

This video focuses on Percussion

Video Music Classes

These videos were made specifically for the Kindergarten, First, and Second grade classes to participate in music while we are using Remote Learning. However, the songs and activities can be used by students and families of ANY age level.

Please do not share to social media without written permission from Mr. Zorena.

Bethany Lutheran's K-2 Video Music Class Week of March 16th, 2020.

Certain songs and activities are created and published by John Feierabend through GIA Publishing.

This video is made with permission from GIA during Covid-19.

Bethany Lutheran’s K-2 Video Music Class Week of March 23rd, 2020.

Certain songs and activities are created and published by John Feierabend through GIA Publishing.

This video is made with permission from GIA during Covid-19.

Bethany Lutheran’s K-2 Video Music Class Week of April 13th, 2020.

Certain songs and activities are created and published by John Feierabend through GIA Publishing.

This video is made with permission from GIA during Covid-19.

Bethany Lutheran’s K-2 Video Music Class Week of April 27th, 2020.

Certain songs and activities are created and published by John Feierabend through GIA Publishing.

This video is made with permission from GIA during Covid-19

Bethany Lutheran's K-2 Video Music Class Week of May 10th, 2020.

Certain songs and activities are created and published by John Feierabend through GIA Publishing.

This video is made with permission from GIA during Covid-19

Music and Movement Series

Videos that focus on students listening and moving to a piece of music. Some videos feature other members of our Bethany family!

Please do not share to social media without written permission from Mr. Zorena.

This Video is Part of the Music Exploration section of Feierabend's First Steps in Music.

Piece of Music: Ludvig von Beethoven's Fur Elise.

Featuring Bethany’s 1st and 6th Grade Teachers, Mr. and Mrs. Schultz.

For Bethany Lutheran Church and School Students for Remote Learning.

MoveIt is created and published by GIA Publishing. This video is made with permission from GIA during Covid-19.

This Video is Part of the Music Exploration section of Feierabend's First Steps in Music.

Piece of Music: Dmitry Kabalevsky’s The Comedians: Pantomime.

Featuring one of Bethany’s Preschool Teachers, Mrs. Zorena.

For Bethany Lutheran Church and School Students for Remote Learning.

MoveIt is created and published by GIA Publishing. This video is made with permission from GIA during Covid-19

This Video is Part of the Music Exploration section of Feierabend's First Steps in Music.

Piece of Music: Ottorino Respighi’s Ancient Airs and Dance Suite #3 “Siciliana”

For Bethany Lutheran Church and School Students for Remote Learning.

MoveIt is created and published by GIA Publishing.

This video is made with permission from GIA during Covid-19

Music & Culture I: Getting to Know the Sound of Instruments

Over the next two weeks, we will focus on getting to know what instruments (i.e. flute, trumpet, bass drum, etc.) and instrument classes (i.e. strings, brass, percussion, etc.) sound like.  Today in class, we will watch Benjamin Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra, which demonstrates the sound of all of these instruments.

Homework for Wednesday, 10/12/16

Listen to Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra at least two times.  Answer the following questions:

1.     How many times was the piece fast, slow, or medium speed?  Count the number of times as you listen to the piece and write down a total count for each speed.

2.     How many times was the piece really loud (ff), loud (f), medium loud (mf), medium soft (mp), soft (p), or really soft (pp).  Count the number of ties as you listen to the piece and write down a total count for each dynamic.

3.     How many times did you hear the main theme (played in the beginning of the piece) recur throughout the piece?

4.     How many times was the texture thick (lots of instruments playing), medium, or thin (light instrumentation)?

Homework for Wednesday, 10/19/16

Follow the link to the website:

Here you can listen to the various instruments and instrument classes of Britten’s The Young Person’s Guide to the Orchestra.

Play each section of instrument classes (those under "Theme") and instruments (all of the variations), and in 1-2 sentences for each, describe what it sounds like.  You do not need to complete the "concluding section".

There will be a quiz on Wednesday, October 19 on which you will need to identify instruments and instrument classes by listening to them.


Music & Culture I: Listening for the week of 9/7/16

This week, you will begin your listening journey to great music from throughout history!  Each week you will be required to listen to the assigned pieces and fill out an analysis form for the listening.  Each piece will be listened to a total of 6 times throughout the course of the year. 

Weekly listenings will be structured in "sittings", meaning that you will ideally listen to all of the music in that sitting without interruption.  The schedule of "sittings" will also help you to manage the amount of listening that you need to complete within a given week.  Each sitting will average between 6-15 minutes.  Very occasionally there will be a required 20-30 minute sitting due to the length of a particular piece. 

It is highly recommended that you complete listenings 1-2 and 3-4 in one sitting, and the analysis forms are structured in this way.  

This Week's Required Listening

Sitting 1 (9:48)

Sitting 2 (9:48)

1st-5th Grade Listening Curriculum (2016-17)


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Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

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Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

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Audio Block
Double-click here to upload or link to a .mp3. Learn more

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