4/20 lesson plans

Well, I know I certainly have had an emotional last few days as the news became official that remote learning will continue for the remainder of the year.  We actually have a Seesaw journal activity for tomorrow that gives the students an opportunity to express some of their feelings.  I will continue to provide remote learning as I have been, but as always, please let me know how things are going.

With that news, it's all the more timely that Mrs. Fox put together a "Fruits of the Spirit" Spirit week for Bethany that starts tomorrow!  The flyer outlining the activities is attached, as well as linked to in the lesson plans.  

Because I was so moved, impressed, and entertained by the favorite Bible story project from Friday, I enabled our Seesaw blog!  Some of you may already have found this.  In your child's Seesaw account dashboard, there is now a button on the far right called "Blog".  This will be a place where I'll share certain projects with everyone, just like we would in the classroom.  As always, all comments and posts must be approved by me first.  The blog does have a web address, so can be shared with other family members, but it IS password protected.  The password is the same as our Bethany blog, MartinLuther1, so hopefully that helps make it easy to remember!  That address is https://blog.seesaw.me/mrsjanetzkebls2

This week's lesson plans are found here.  There are again 3 tabs at the bottom, for the different subject areas.  We'll Zoom at 2:30 on Wednesday AND Friday this week.  I'll be using these sessions for students to share their solar system project based on the schedule outlined in the plans.  I'll send more details about how this will work in a separate email.  

April is also our assigned month to take the firefighters at Station 8 (the one on the corner of Modaff and 75th) treats.  I'm still researching/putting together the assignment for how to do this remotely, but if you have any ideas, let me know!

Finally, I feel awful about the email troubles I've been experiencing!  I do respond to all of you, but unfortunately, not many actually reached you this week.  I've been getting hundreds of failure notices over the last few days!  Mr. Johnson is aware of and working on the problem, but it's not a "quick" fix.  I will continue to send a copy of many things in Seesaw until I'm confident things are working properly.  Thanks for your patience!

Let's have a blessed week in Christ as we celebrate the fruits of the Spirit!

Mrs. Janetzke